1993 Subaru Liberty RS Turbo: The Ad That Defined A Generation

1993 Subaru Liberty RS Turbo: The Ad That Defined A Generation

1993 subaru liberty rs turbo manual. Specification specific to subarus with applied model bf5du8d

Specification specific to subarus with applied model bf5du8d The ej20 turbo boasts quad camshafts,. Subaru chose the name liberty rather than the standard moniker of legacy (as was being used in other markets around the world), due to the naming conflict with the legacy war veterans.

Subaru chose the name liberty rather than the standard moniker of legacy (as was being used in other markets around the world), due to the naming conflict with the legacy war veterans.

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1993 Subaru Liberty RS Turbo Sedan & Wagon Page 2 Aussie Original
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